Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura
Regional Office for Culture in Latin America and the Caribbean
Newsletter of the Portal of Culture of Latin America and the Caribbean
As a follow-up to the agreements adopted in the Meeting of the Pro-Tempore Secretariat previous to the XVII Forum of Ministers and Officials in Charge of Cultural Policies of Latin America and the Caribbean (Quito, Ecuador, 11 April 2010), the Technical Secretary of the Forum, based at the UNESCO Regional Office for Culture in Latin America and the Caribbean since 1999, has facilitated the preparation and dissemination of a new issue of the Newsletter of the “Portal of Culture of Latin America and the Caribbean” (a publication in three languages), especially dedicated to provide information of the progress of the projects of the Forum.
Boletin Portal   Central Topic: Cultural Integration of Latin American and the Caribbean in defence of cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue for a sustainable development
XVII Forum of Ministers of Culture and Officials in Charge of Cultural Policies of Latin America and the Caribbean (Quito, Ecuador, 12-13 April 2010)
Within the framework of 2010: International Year for the Rapprochement of Cultures, the XVII Forum of Ministers of Culture and Officials in Charge of Cultural Policies of Latin America and the Caribbean was held, under the central topic Cultural Integration of Latin American and the Caribbean in Defence of Cultural Diversity and Intercultural Dialogue for a Sustainable Development.
Delegations from 26 Member States participated in the Meeting: Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Barbados, Belize, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominica, Ecuador, El Salvador, the Plurinational State of Bolivia, Grenada, Guatemala, Jamaica, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Dominican Republic, Saint Lucia, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, Uruguay and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.
In the capacity as Observers, participated in the meeting Dr Hilary Brown, representing CARICOM; Mrs. Monica Guariglio, representing MERCOSUR Cultural; Mr. Ismael González, representing ALBA Cultural; Mrs. Karla Páez, representing the Community of Andean Nations and a delegation from UNESCO chaired by Mr. Herman van Hooff, Director of its Regional Office for Culture in Latin America and the Caribbean and integrated also by Mr. F. Edouard Matoko, Director of the UNESCO/Quito Office and Mrs. Olga Rufins, Technical Secretary of the Forum.
Her Excellency María Fernanda Espinosa, Minister Coordinator for Cultural and Natural Heritage and delegate representing His Excellency the President of the Republic of Ecuador, His Excellency Ramiro Noriega, Minister of Culture of Ecuador and Mr. Herman van-Hooff, Director of the UNESCO Regional Office for Culture in Latin America and the Caribbean delivered speeches during the official opening ceremony.
Within the framework of the XVII Forum, a joint meeting Forum-UNESCO was held on Cultural Policies for Diversity and Development, as a follow-up to Resolution 35 C/DR. 53, passed by the 35th UNESCO General Conference in 2009.
Keynote addresses by Mr. Herman van Hooff, Her Excellency Zulma Yugar, Minister of Cultures of the Plurinational State of Bolivia and Mr. Sydney Bartley, Director for Culture and Entertainment Industry of the Ministry of Information, Culture, Youth and Sports of Jamaica were delivered during the joint meeting. In its Final Agreements, the Ministers of Culture of Latin America and the Caribbean expressed their satisfaction for the contribution to their debates.
Likewise, within the framework of the International Year of Youth: dialogue and mutual understanding proclaimed by the UN General Assembly, was held previous to the XVII Forum the First Meeting of Youth for Latin American and Caribbean Integration "Participation, Culture and Development". Its Final Declaration, submitted to the Ministers in the first working session of the Forum, was adopted by all delegations participating.
Member States acknowledged the permanent support provided by UNESCO to the Forum through the cooperation of its offices in the region, particularly the regional Office for Culture, where the technical Secretariat of the Forum is based. In this regard, participants requested the Technical Secretary of the Forum to take the steps and make the arrangements necessary to advance towards the signing of a formal cooperation agreement between the Forum and UNESCO.
The Forum of Ministers of Culture and Officials in Charge of Cultural Policies of Latin America and the Caribbean supports seven projects, namely the Travelling Caribbean Film Showcase, the Virtual Museum of Latin America and the Caribbean, CARIFESTA, the UNESCO Portal of Culture of Latin America and the Caribbean, the Caribbean Capacity Building Programme (CCBP), the CARICOM Children’s Website and the MERCOSUR Cultural Information System (SicSur). This Newsletter provides updated information on the implementation and progress of each of these projects.
At the end of the XVII Forum, the presidency of its Pro-Tempore Secretariat (permanent body of the Forum) was transferred to Her Excellency Mrs. Zulma Yugar, Minister of Cultures. The Plurinational State of Bolivia will host the XVIII Forum of Ministers of Culture in 2011.
The Forum of Ministers of Culture and Officials in Charge of Cultural Policies of Latin America and the Caribbean was established in 1989, within the framework of the First Meeting of Ministers of Culture of the Region. It is the oldest of its type and the only one such space in which all United Nations Latin American and Caribbean Member States meet.
Olga Rufins
Technical Secretary of the Forum of Ministers of Culture and Officials in Charge of Cultural Policies of Latin America and the Caribbean
UNESCO Regional Office for Culture in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Final Declaration of the XVII Forum of Ministers of Culture and Officials in Charge of Cultural Policies of Latin America and the Caribbean
Year III, No. 7, May 2010
2010: International year for the Rapprochement of Cultures
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Other issues
Publications and Documents
  Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions (2005)  
  Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage(2003)  
  Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage (2001)  
  Convention for the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage (1972)  
  Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property (1970)  
  Convention on the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict (1954)  
  If you do not have Internet access and would like to receive any of these texts, contact us and we will gladly e-mail them.  
About Us
Herman van Hooff , Director, Regional Office for Culture in Latin America and the Caribbean
Fernando Brugman , Coordinator of the Culture Team, Regional Office for Culture in Latin America and the Caribbean
Olga Rufins Machin , Technical Secretary of the Forum of Ministers of Culture and Officials in Charge of Cultural Policies of Latin America and the Caribbean, Regional Office for Culture in Latin America and the Caribbean
Junior González Ramos , Production and design
Elba Suárez Menéndez, Ana Elena de Arazoza Rodríguez , Contents
National Network of Coordinators for the Project: Agustín Jeannot (Argentina), Suzette Zayden (Belize) , Rubén Andino (Chile), César Alfredo Parra Ortega (Colombia), Ana Lorena Herrera Loaiza (Costa Rica), Idelsis Gallardo (Cuba), Ricardo Bracamonte and Claudia de Campos (El Salvador), Alfonso Castellanos Ribot (Mexico), Danya Rush (Grenada), Roland Bélizaire (Haiti), Isadora Paz (Honduras), Emilio Chavarría Vega (Nicaragua), Lilia Beatriz Peña Galeano (Paraguay), Lic. Ethel Margarita Flores Albino (Peru), Luis Teófilo Terrero (Dominican Republic) Anthony Theobalds (St. Vincent and the Grenadines)
Contributions for this issue: Riane de Haas-Bledoeg (CARICOM); Mónica Guariglio (Secretariat of Culture of the Presidency of the Nation, Argentina); Marlén Ruíz (Ministry of Culture of Cuba); Rigoberto López and Jessica Flores (Travelling Caribbean Film Showcase); Carmen Bohórquez, (Ministry of the People's Power for Culture of Venezuela)
Full Texts

An initiative of the Cuban Film Institute (ICAIC), with the support of the UNESCO Regional Office for Culture in Latin America and the Caribbean, the UNESCO Offices in Kingston and Port-au-Prince, the Ministry of Culture of Jamaica, as well as other important cultural, government and academic institutions in the region, the project aims at showing and disseminating the rich cultural film diversity of the Caribbean, strengthening the film industry in the sub-region, promoting the production of diverse and quality audiovisual contents and increasing their distribution. The Showcase offers an exceptional platform for the exhibition of films and documentaries made in the Caribbean while at the same time promotes and acknowledges the quality of productions.
In the First Showcase (2007-2008) out of the 134 films submitted, 33 were chosen and exhibited in 19 countries. It was sponsored by the American Cinemateque in Hollywood, the British Museum of London and was presented a special recognition from UNESCO during the exhibition in its Headquarters in Paris.
In 2009, the II Showcase was dedicated to children and teenagers. Some 217 films were submitted to the project, out of which 52 films were selected and exhibited in 31 countries in the region. The Showcase included the International Forum "Cinematographic and audiovisual production and exhibition for children and youth in the Caribbean: realities and perspectives". The Headquarters Office of the Showcase opened in Havana with the support of the Ministry of Culture of Cuba, UNESCO and UNICEF.
The Call for Submissions for the III Showcase was launched in June 2009. In February 2010, the Organizing and Selection Committee selected 161 out of the 217 films submitted by 22 Member States.
The Office of the Travelling Caribbean Film Showcase has organized a special film exhibition on Haiti that will be presented in Havana, Cuba, on June 10 to 16, 2010. The special exhibition includes about twenty documentaries and feature films by prestigious filmmakers from Haiti, Cuba and other countries. ()


The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela continues to promote the Virtual Museum of Latin America and the Caribbean, an initiative submitted and approved by the XVI Forum of Ministers of Culture and Officials in Charge of Cultural Policies of Latin America and the Caribbean, held in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in February 2009. Since then, the efforts to facilitate the integration of and cooperation between museums as well as to safeguard the cultural heritage of all the Member States of the Forum have been endless.
The main objective of the Virtual Museum of Latin America and the Caribbean is to facilitate the mutual knowledge of Latin American and Caribbean cultures, encouraging integration and cooperation in the field of museums, specifically in the area of inventories and register of cultural property, sharing at the same time the task of protection and safeguarding of both individual and common heritage, while at the same time encourages mutual knowledge, promotes inter-institutional cooperation and provides our peoples with a unique tool for the study and acknowledgement of our shared values and wealth. At the same time, it disseminates, in equal conditions, the diversity of Latin American and Caribbean cultures that are part of the life in our great regional community.
So far, five countries are participating in the initiative: the Republic of Cuba, Dominican Republic, the Republic of Ecuador, the Plurinational State of Bolivia and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, with a total of ninety (90) museums and other related institutions formally inscribed and more than 27,400 cultural artifacts and scientific specimens from the most comprehensive and heterogeneous collections of all times.
The information of the virtual platform expands every day thanks to the painstaking work of all participating institutions that, unconditionally, self manage all the contents of their respective collections. Venezuela, through the Ministry of the People’s Power for Culture, provides the technical and financial support for the painstaking work and the development of new applications to expand the possibilities of information.
For this year, the Virtual Museum expects the incorporation of new participants and an increase in the exhibition of cultural as well as scientific goods and properties. Therefore, the Virtual Museum invites all Member States to join the project and the endeavour of safeguarding our cultural heritage as well as promoting cultural integration among our peoples. ()


The Caribbean Festival of Arts (CARIFESTA) is the premier arts festival of the Caribbean Community. Since 1972 when CARIFESTA I was held in Guyana, these festivals have gathered outstanding writers, artists, musicians and intellectuals in ten editions. The event, aimed at promoting intercultural dialogue and showcase the cultural diversity and rich cultural expressions of the people of the region has been held ten times in seven countries to date: Guyana (1972), Jamaica (1976), Cuba (1979), Barbados (1981), Trinidad and Tobago (1992, 1995), St Kitts and Nevis (2000), Suriname (2003), Trinidad and Tobago (2006) and Guyana (2008).
CARIFESTA X, the most recent edition, held in Guyana, attracted more than 1,300 participants from 25 countries in the region and beyond. According to estimates, some 500,000 persons visited the various Festival venues to experience the diverse expressions in music, dance, theater, cuisine, visual arts, the book fair, as well as the symposia and fashion shows, among other areas.
A recommendation was made at the Twentieth Meeting of the Regional Cultural Committee held in June 2009 in Suriname, to schedule the next CARIFESTAs for 2011, 2013 and 2015. Member States of CARICOM were therefore invited in July 2009 to submit hosting proposals for CARIFESTA XI, XII and XIII. The process of identifying future hosts for the Festival is ongoing. ()


It is the oldest Project of the Forum, coordinated and funded by UNESCO through its Regional Office for Culture in Latin America and the Caribbean, with the support of a Network of National Coordinators appointed by each Member State. Its Spanish version has been on-line since 2002, and the English version since 2004.
During 2009, the Portal of Culture launched its French edition, and continued to publish the Spanish and English versions.
The Portal also strengthened the publication of Newsletters in three languages based on a comprehensive approach towards cultural diversity and on the most relevant UNESCO Conventions. The Newsletters have also counted on the support from the UNESCO/Port-au-Prince, UNESCO/Quito, UNESCO/San José, UNESCO/Montevideo, UNESCO/Mexico and UNESCO/Santiago de Chile offices, the Culture Division of the CARICOM Secretariat and especially from the Network of National Coordinators of the Portal of Culture of Latin America and the Caribbean, currently integrated by 16 Member States.
The UNESCO Regional Office for Culture in Latin America and the Caribbean facilitated in 2009 the digitization and dissemination of 144 documents (808 pages) from previous meetings of the Forum of Ministers of Culture, and has thus contributed to the preservation of an important part of its historic memory. The logos of all the annual meetings of the Forum as well as those of the Festival of the Caribbean Arts (CARIFESTA) were also recovered and digitized.
The Portal of Culture of Latin America and the Caribbean is in the process of being integrated into the Website of the UNESCO Regional Office for Culture in Latin America and the Caribbean, aimed at making the best use of the resources made available by UNESCO to this Project, and to provide Member States better facilities and services, thus making a more rational use of the comprehensive volume of information of the Portal. ()


The CCBP is a capacity building or training program for cultural heritage open to all UNESCO Member States and Associate Member States in the Caribbean, which treasures a total of 20 world heritage sites in the region.
The Caribbean Capacity Building Programme for the Cultural and Natural Heritage of the Caribbean 2004-2014 was approved by the UNESCO World Heritage Committee in 2004. Since then, the Programme has counted on the support of the UNESCO World Heritage Center and aims at strengthening sub-regional capabilities with regards to the management and protection of its valuable cultural and natural heritage; another objective is to facilitate that sites of exceptional universal value in the area are acknowledged as such. The Programme is based, on the one hand, on the Global Strategy for drafting a more balanced and representative List, adopted by the World Heritage Committee in 1994 and on the attention paid since then to the Caribbean area by both the World Heritage Committee and the World Heritage Centre.
The objective of this strategy, financed through fiduciary funds from the Netherlands, is to strengthen professionals’ capabilities in the management and protection of heritage and promote the inscription of new cultural and natural sites in UNESCO’s World Heritage List.
This Programme continues to be implemented by the UNESCO Regional Office for Culture in Latin America and the Caribbean in coordination with the World Heritage Centre and the UNESCO Offices in Kingston and Port-au-Prince. The Programme has carried out capacity building activities in Barbados, Dominican Republic and Cuba. Its most important results are the drafting of five training modules on the Implementation of the Convention for the protection of the Convention Concerning the Protection of World Heritage, Management of tourism in heritage sites, Management on risk preparedness, Management of Cultural Landscapes, Management of Historic Centres, Management of Natural Heritage and preparing and putting on-line the Website of the project. A Validation Workshop for the South Cone was also held, as well as a workshop on risk reduction for heritage in the Caribbean, a course on the implementation of the Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage, a regional meeting of experts on heritage, Biodiversity and Community, a first capacity building workshop in MERCOSUR on risk management and a course on the management of historic centres. ()


The general objective of the CARICOM Website for Children is to establish a Forum to promote an understanding of regional integration among children, as well as develop national and regional identities. The Website will provide the children with the opportunity to learn more about other children in the region and those from other countries in the world.
Specifically, it is intended to function as a virtual knowledge network for the children of the Caribbean, Latin America and other parts of the world.
The project will facilitate transfer of knowledge through an interactive multimedia platform. The project is also expected to benefit parents, schools, business people, investors and politicians. The CARICOM Website for Children will be based at the CARICOM Headquarters in Georgetown, Guyana, and will be national, regional and international in scope.
Preliminary work for the website focused on research with respect to existing children’s websites, consultations on the design of the website and content development. Efforts to mobilize funding for the first phase of the project, namely the design and launch of the website, were concentrated on international organizations as well as the private sector. Preliminary consultations were held with agencies in a few CARICOM Member States with regard to alternative sources of funding for the project. These consultations are still in process. ()


In 2006, the participants in the Seminar on Cultural Information Systems of MERCOSUR, agreed to measure, or at least estimate, the impact of culture on the GDPs of our countries. In 2007 the impact of foreign trade in cultural property in the region was estimated. The quality and quantity of the information collected made possible the design and creation of the Cultural Information System of MERCOSUR – SICSUR, a Website available to the general public which is divided into four main sections: Cultural Statistics and Indicators, MERCOSUR Cultural Map, Cultural Institutions and Studies and Research.
Both the project and its Website were officially presented in Quito, Ecuador, in October 2009, under the dominium It collects statistical data, mappings, legislations and cultural documents from ten countries of South America: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela.
SICSUR was approved as a MERCOSUR Cultural Project in November 2009. ()