I Forum of Ministers of Culture and Officials in Charge of Cultural Policies in Latin America and the Caribbean. |
List of Participants |
H. E. Mr. Julio Barbaro, Secretary of the State for Culture
Mr. Luis Duran, Undersecretary of the State for Culture
H. E. Mr. Jaime Balcazar Aranibar, Ambassador of Bolivia in Brazil
H. E. Mr. José Aparecido de Oliveira, Minister of the State for Culture
Mr. Vladimir Do Amaral Murtinho, President of the Foundation “Pró- Leitura”
Mr. Celso Luiz Nunes Amorim, Head of the Cultural Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Mr. Jose Manuel Buarque Neto, Secretary General of the Ministry of Culture
Ms. Elisa Gonsalves Martins, Deputy Secretary General, Ministry of Culture
Mr. Osvaldo de Ribeiro Peralva, Director of the National Book Institute
Mr. Guy Alfonso de Almeida Gonsalves, Journalist specialized in Latin- American Affairs
Mr. Gustavo Dahl, Deputy President of National Council for Author Rights
Mr. Eduardo Da Costa Farias, Head of the Division of Education and Special Programme Institutions of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Mr. Pedro Wandeck de Leoni Ramos, Ministry of Communication
Mr. Carlos Augusto Calil, Director of Brazil Cinematography
Ms. Dourimar Nunes de Moura, Foreign Affairs Secretary, Ministry of Education
Mr. Wellington Gaia, Secretary for Analysis and Institutional Development, Ministry of Culture
Mr. Hietor Herberto Salles, President of the Funtevé (Civil Cabinet of the Presidency of the Republic
Mr. Alcides Gastáo Rostand Prates, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Adviser of the Head of the Cultural Department
Mr. Raimundo Nonato Fialho Mussi, Deputy Secretary of International Affairs of the Special Secretariat of Science and Technology of the Presidency of the Republic
Mr. Paulo Nogueira Neto, Adviser for Environment, Ministry of Culture
Mr. Guilheerme Vasconcellos Coimbra, Adviser, Intellectual Cooperation Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Mr. Claudio Raja Gabalglia Lins, Adviser of the Cultural Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
H. E. Mr. René Salame, Minister of Education
Mr. Sergio Martinez Baeza, Cultural Adviser, Ministry of Education
Mr. Fernando Schmidt, Adviser, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Mr. William Patrickson, P.S. Embassy of Brazil
H. E. Mr. Manuel Francisco Becerra, Minister of National Education
Mr. Gabriel Restrepo, Adviser of the Direction of the Cultural Colombian Institute
H. E. Mr. Miguel Campos, Ambassador of Costa Rica in Brazil
H. E. Mr. Armando Hart Davalos, Minister of Culture
Mr. Roberto Fernandez Retamar, President of the House of Americas (Casa de las Americas)
Mr. Gerardo Bondet Cao
Mr. Manuel Francisco Orta Bustabal
Mr. Jorge Francisco Timossi Corbani
Ms. Julia Calzadilla Nuñez
H.E. Hon. Heskeith Alexander, Minister for Social Development Affairs for the Community and Women Affairs
H. E. Mr. Oscar Hazin Subero, Ambassador of Dominican Republic in Brazil
Mr. Jorge Nuñez, Undersecretary of Culture
Ms. Marta Regina Rosados de Fahsen, Deputy Minister of Culture
H. E. Mr. Carlos Alberto Prefa, Ambassador of Guatemala in Brazil
H. E. Mr. Rendon Pineda, Minister of Culture
Mr. Jubal Valerio, Adviser
H. E. Senator Ms. Donna Scott-Boorasing, Parliamentary Secretary of the Ministry of Youth, Culture and Development of the Community
Ms. Sheila Lowe Graham, Secretary General of the National Council on Cultural Affairs
H. E. Mr. Victor Flores Olea, President of the National Council on Culture and Arts
H. E. Mr. Antonio Gonzalez de León, Ambassador of Mexico in Brazil
Mr. Alfonso de Maria y Campos, General Director of Cultural Affairs, Foreign Affairs Secretariat
Mr. Luis Felipe del Valle, Director of Cultural Interchange, National Council on Culture and Arts
Mr. Rafael Tovar y de Teresa, General Director, Modernization Programme of the Legislation on the Cultural Institutions, National Council for Culture and Arts
H. E. Mr. Dionisio Gonzalez Torres, Minister of Education and Culture
H. E. Mr. Juan Esteban Aguirre, Minister of Foreign Affairs
H. E. Mr. Fernando Cabieses Molina, Head of the National Institute of Culture
H. E. Mr. Hugo Palma, Ambassador of Peru in Brazil
Mr. Marco Carreon, Minister Counselor, Embassy of Peru
H. E. Hon. Sydney Morris, Minister of Education and y Community Affairs
Mr. Royden Benjamin, Special Adviser
H. E. Hon. Frank Antonius, Secretary of Culture
Mr. John Krishnadath, Director of the Academy of Art
H. E. Hon. Jennifer Johnson, Minister of Sports, Culture and Youth Affairs
Ms. Geraldine Connor, Adviser
Mr. Terence A. Walker, First Secretary of Trinidad & Tobago Embassy in Brasilia
H. E. Ms. Adela Reta, Minister of Education and Culture
H. E. Mr. José Antonio Abreu, Minister of the State for Culture
Mr. Manuel Belmonte, Adviser
Mr. Norberto Bertaina, Secretary General
Mr. Hernan D. Acero
Mr. Luis Claudio Marinho, Director
Mr. Vladimir Do Amaral Murtinho, President of the Foundation “Pro- Leitura"
Mr. Ayrton Fausto, Director
Mr. Hugo Caminos, Ambassador, Undersecretary for Legal Affairs
Mr. Eduardo Gutierrez, Resident Representative
Mr. Eduardo Portella, Assistant Director General
Mr. Hernan Crespo-Toral, Director, UNESCO Regional Office for Culture in Latin America and the Caribbean |