Portal de la Cultura de América Latina y el Caribe
Directorio de Instituciones
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Información Relacionada
15575 elemento(s) encontrado(s) en los apartados siguientes:
- Noticias:  6519
- Documentos:  802
- Directorio de Instituciones:  960
- Agenda Cultural:  6335
- Convocatorias:  696
- Proyectos:  263
National Library of Jamaica (NLJ)
Address: 12 East Street. P.O. Box 823. Kingston, Jamaica
Board of Management
1. Ms. Joy Douglas, Chairman
2. Ms. Lydia Rose, Deputy Chairman
3. Father Michael Allen
4. Mr. Vivian Crawford
5. Professor Edward Baugh
6. Mr. Troy Caine
7. Mrs. Dawn Henry
8. Dr. Paulette Kerr
9. Ms Kellie Magnus
10. Mr. Evon Mullings
11. Mrs. Jolette Russell
12. Ms. Beverley Lashley, National Librarian
13. Ms. Nicole Bryan, Staff Representative
Tel(s): (876) 967-1526, 967-2516, 967-2494 y/and 967-2496
Fax: (876) 922-5567
Fecha de Fundación: 1979
  Información General:
The National Library of Jamaica was established in 1979 under the Institute of Jamaica Act of 1978. It originated from the collection of the West India Reference Library (WIRL) which was founded in 1894 as a section of the Public Library of the Institute of Jamaica. This public library was the first of its kind in Jamaica. It began operations in 1879 when the Institute of Jamaica was established for the encouragement of literature, science and art. The West India Reference Library began as a small collection of Jamaican and West Indian books, under the guidance of Frank Cundall, the Secretary/Librarian of the Institute from 1891 until his death in 1937. It developed into a comprehensive collection, rich in primary source materials covering all aspects of Caribbean life and society. WIRL formed the nucleus of the National Library.

A National Library of Jamaica Act was drafted in the year 2003 but came into law on 31st December 2010. The Act is entitled The National Library of Jamaica Act, 2010. This law confirms the autonomy of the National Library; establishes the National Library as a corporate body and provides the legal framework to formalize the mandates and operations of the library.

The National Library of Jamaica is divided into three main divisions namely: Corporate Services, Technical Services & Networks and User Services.
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Portal de la Cultura - América Latina y el Caribe de la UNESCO


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