Portal de la Cultura de América Latina y el Caribe
Directorio de Instituciones
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Tipo de Institución:
Buscador General  
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Tipo de Institución:
Buscador General  
Buscador General  
Buscador General  

Información Relacionada
15584 elemento(s) encontrado(s) en los apartados siguientes:
- Noticias:  6527
- Documentos:  802
- Directorio de Instituciones:  960
- Agenda Cultural:  6336
- Convocatorias:  696
- Proyectos:  263
National Archives of Trinidad and Tobago (NATT) (Archivo Nacional de Trinidad y Tobago)
Dirección Postal: P.O.Box 763, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, West Indies
Dirección Terrestre: 105 St. Vincent Street, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago,
Tel(s): 1-868-623-2874 Ext 249;1-868-625-2689
Fax: 1-868-625-2689
  Información General:

The National Archives is responsible for preserving Trinidad and Tobago's documentary Heritage.

NATT will provide services that build, maintain, and allow access to Trinidad and Tobago's records to sustain a free, open, and democratic society and to support the cultural and intellectual life of all citizens of Trinidad and Tobago.


. To identify, acquire and make accessible private and public records of enduring value and national significance to Trinidad and Tobago,
. To establish standards for the management and protection of public records throughout their lifecycle, and
. To serve as the permanent repository of records of government and ministerial institutions and other agencies.
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Portal de la Cultura - América Latina y el Caribe de la UNESCO


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