Portal de la Cultura de América Latina y el Caribe
Fifth Edition of the Workshop "UNESCO and Heritage: What, how, when, where and why communicate it?"
15 June 2015/UNESCO Havana

The main objective of the Workshop "UNESCO and Heritage: What, how, when, where and why communicate it?" conducted from 8 to 9 June at the University College San Gerónimo de La Habana was to make an in-depth study of UNESCO's programmes and approaches concerning the promotion and preservation of the tangible, intangible and documentary heritage.

The workshop forms part of the V International Diploma Course "Means to Communicate Heritage", a capacity-building activity for journalists jointly organised since 2010 by the Office of the Historian of the City of Havana (OHCH), the José Martí International Institute of Journalism (IIPJM) and the UNESCO Regional Office for Culture in Latin America and the Caribbean.

In the morning session, the Officer in charge of UNESCO Havana, Fernando Brugman, offered an overview of the international conventions that govern the safeguarding of cultural heritage, and called on the professionals of the press to bring to the public light the importance of the protection and sustainable management of this cultural legacy of humankind.

He also highlighted the intangible heritage of groups and communities, and gave a full explanation of the provisions contained in the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, such as the participative identification of these forms of cultural expression and the design of policies for their safeguarding and management.

In the afternoon session, UNESCO Havana National Programme Officer, Olga Rufins, gave a detailed account of the 2001 Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage, the 1970 Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property, and the 1954 Convention for the Protection of Cultural Goods in Case of Armed Conflict. Rufins also referred to emblematic UNESCO projects such as The Slave Route: Resistance, Liberty and Heritage and Sites of Memory.

On the following day, guest specialist Víctor Marín presented the 1972 Convention concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage, while international consultants Leire Fernández and Begoña Guzmán respectively expounded on the linkage between creative industries and heritage, and on the contribution of culture to development.

The workshop ended with the presentation of the UNESCO Communication and Information Programme, given by Elena Nápoles, in charge of this sector at the UNESCO Office in Havana, and with a presentation of the UNESCO public communication system, in which the editor of the Portal of Culture of Latin America and the Caribbean, Elba Suárez, also took part.

Nápoles referred in particular to the UNESCO Memory of the World Programme, which fosters the preservation of and universal access to invaluable documentary heritage.

She also urged journalists to contribute, with their daily work, to disseminate the content of the documentary collections of heritage value, as a means to facilitate people's access to these valuable sources of information.

In turn, Suárez spoke of the Portal of Culture of Latin America and the Caribbean, a section dedicated to Culture in the Regional Office website. The participants were also able to learn of the different information resources available in the Portal, the UNESCO Havana website, and the UNESCO Headquarters website in Paris, all of great use in elaborating communicative products on heritage.

  Related Link(s): Tangible Heritage, World Heritage, Intangible Heritage, Cultural Heritage, Museums-Illicit Trafficking, Cultural Diversity, Illicit Trafficking, Underwater Cultural Heritage
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