Sitios de Memoria
  Ingenio de Diego Caballero
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Boiler house

Diego Caballero, First Secretary of the Royal Court of Santo Domingo, owned this sugar mill, which is mentioned by Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo in his 1546 work entitled Historia general y natural de las Indias.

By 1518 the Secretary General asked the King for a square league (about 3 miles) of land to build a village. It is on that plot of land that the sugar mill was built, together with the first vineyards in the New World.

The architectonic structure shows all the components of a colonial sugar mill, boilers, furnace, water ponds, etc.

Archaeological restoration works were done in 1988, when some parts were rebuilt. Those archaeological studies conducted by Fernando Luna Calderón identified tools and remains of instruments used to punish the slaves. A relevant discovery were prints found of mutilated feet of slaves, a clear expression of the nature of the punishment –horrible torture applied to the slaves who were captured after fleeing to maroons hiding places.

The very extension of the estate, which was densely populated with slaves, is indicative of the many acts of resistance by the slave population.