Portal de la Cultura de América Latina y el Caribe
Meetings of CELAC Ministers of Culture
19th Forum of Ministers of Culture and Officials in charge of Cultural Policies of Latin America and the Caribbean and First Meeting of Ministers of Culture of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC)

Republic of Suriname
Paramaribo 14 - 15 March , 2013

Suriname Declaration PDF

Welcoming Address by Hon. Dr. Shirley Sitaldin, Minister of Education and Community Development of Suriname

Speech delivered by H. E. Rafael Bernal, Minister of Culture of Cuba on behalf on the CELAC

Message by the Director-General of UNESCO

Background information UNESCO's strategy on the role of Culture in Development

Statement of the ALBA CULTURAL: For the unity of Our America

List of participants
Bilingual version
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Portal de la Cultura - América Latina y el Caribe de la UNESCO


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