Portal de la Cultura de América Latina y el Caribe
Meetings of CELAC Ministers of Culture
XVIII Forum of Ministers of Culture and Officials in Charge of Cultural Policies of Latin America and the Caribbean

Plurinational State of Bolivia
Santa Cruz de la Sierra 21 - 22 July , 2011

Main topics
. Cultures and processes of change in Latin American and Caribbean: cultural identity, interculturality and cultural management towards a regional integration
. Culture of Peace
. Productive Culture
. The Culture of Good Living/Wellbeing
. Qhapaq Ñan, Project for Regional Cultural Heritage

Declaration (pdf))

Agenda (Translation provided by the Technical Secretariat of the Forum)

Adress by H.E. Elizabeth Salguero Carrillo, Minister of Cultures, Plurinational State of Bolivia (SPANISH)

List of participants (pdf)

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Portal de la Cultura - América Latina y el Caribe de la UNESCO


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