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Ministerio de Cultura de Cuba
Dirección: Calle 2 No. 258 e/ 11 y 13, C.P. 10400, El Vedado, La Habana, Cuba
Excmo. Sr. , Ministro
Lic. , Viceministra Primera
Sr. , Viceministro
Sra. , Viceministra
Sra. , Viceministra
Sr. , Asesor del Ministro
Sra. , Jefa de Despacho del Ministro
Sra. , Asistente
Sra. Ana María Pellón, Directora de Desarrollo Industrias Culturales y Cooperación Internacional
Sra. , Directora de Relaciones Internacionales
Tel: (+53) 7838 2276/ 7838 2246 (Min); 7838 2271 (Vice 1º); 7838 2262 (Vice); 7838 2275 (Vice Jacomino); 7830 9766 (Dir CREART); 7833 2053 (Dir RRII);
Fax: (537) 833-3013 (Ministro); 838-2264 (Vice Prim);
E-mail :
Date of creation: 24 de Octubre de 1978
  General Information:
In 1961 the National Council of Culture was founded, as the first independent governmental institution in charge of developing the culture of the country.

The creation of the National Printing House, Instituto Cubano de Arte e Industria Cinematográficos (ICAIC), Casa de las Américas, Escuela Nacional de Arte (ENA) and others that were emerging since the first years, which are the history of the Ministry of Culture creation.

Within the institutionalization process of the Government Head Offices, in 1976 was created the Ministry of Culture, aimed at ruling, guiding, controlling and implementing in its field of competence the cultural policy of the State and Cuban Government, as well as guaranteeing the defense, preservation and wealth of cultural heritage in the Cuban nation.

Likewise the Provincials and Municipals Head Departments of Culture are created, in charge of implementing cultural policies to this level.

Structure of the Ministry of Culture
First Vice Minister (1)
Vice Ministers (5)

National Head Departments
Cultural Programs Head Department
International Relations Head Department
Economy Head Department
Supervision and Audit Head Department
Human Resources Head Department
Control of Officials Head Department
Law Head Department
Technical-Material Base and Investments Head Department
Inspection Head Department
Security and Protection Head Department
Industry and Cultural Services Head Department

Economic support and investments
Development Fund for Education and Culture
Treasury Centre
Investment Centre of the Ministry of Culture

• To rule, guide, promote, supervise and when required execute, the implementation of the cultural policy of the country, in a close and systematic relation with the intellectual and artistic movement.

• To favor, control and asses the coherent application of the dissemination policy and art and literature promotion in radio and television.

• To rule, supervise and evaluate the results of the policy designed to the study, conservation and restoration of the nation cultural heritage.

• To promote a wide socio cultural movement in the country encouraged by the artistic avant-garde and the cultural institutions, and with the participation of entities and social organizations, in favor of the development of a general integral culture in our people.

• To promote, in coordination with the entities and respective organizations, the creation of aesthetic values in the society, focusing children, adolescents and young people, contributing to the creation of social ethic.

• To run and supervise the policy and artistic education process, for cultural promoters and the specialized training of art instructors.

• To run, control and supervise the national and international promotion of Cuban art and culture policy and the presence and dissemination of cultural expressions from outside.

• To run, control and execute in its case, the policy related to the production and commercialization of cultural services and properties from the country, not only designed to the population but also to the tourist sector as well as for exportations.

• To run and control the policy related to the Author Right.
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