Portal de la Cultura de América Latina y el Caribe
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14876 Element(s) found In the following sections:
- News:  6527
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National Commission of Popular Libraries (Comisión Nacional de Bibliotecas Populares), CONABIP
Dirección: Ayacucho 1578 (C1112AAB), Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Prof. Leandro de Sagastizábal, Presidente
Lic. Guido Marchisio, Secretario
Bibl. Javier M. Areco y Lic.
Tel: (54-11) 4511-6275, 4511-6276 y (54-11) 0800-444-0068
Date of creation: 23 de Septiembre de 1870
  General Information:

The National Commission of Popular Libraries (CONABIP) is the body under the Ministry of Culture of the Nation that promotes the strengthening of popular libraries as civil society organizations and promotes their public assessment as physical and social spaces relevant to community development and the construction of citizenship. Its function is to guide and implement government policy, through an associated management model that favors the consolidation of the autonomous character of this unique social movement made up of almost 2,000 libraries and 30,000 volunteers throughout the country. , deploy their actions since the year 1870.
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Portal de la Cultura - América Latina y el Caribe de la UNESCO


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