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National Institute Juan Domingo Perón for Historical, Social and Political Studies and Researches (Instituto Nacional Juan Domingo Perón de Estudios e Investigaciones Históricas, Sociales y Políticas)
Dirección: Austria 2593, C1115 CABA, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Sr. Lorenzo A. Pepe, Secretario General Ad Honorem
Sra. Araceli Bellotta, Coordinadora General
Tel: (+54 11) 4802-8010/4526 | 4801-3562
Date of creation: 26 de Abril de 1995
  General Information:

The Institute was created after the decision of the National Government of “Declare of national interest the study and investigation of Lieutenant General Juan Domingo Perón life and work” who was elected democratically to rule the country in three presidential periods. Still his political validity distinguishes the last 50 years of Argentinean life.

Besides, the scope of the studies will encompass the permanent remembrance of María Eva Duarte de Perón, and the historical, political and social context, not only national but also international corresponding to the General Perón life time.

This institution proposes the academic exchange of excellence, within a pluralistic framework. For this, it has been gathering the best specialists, of different ideologies, in different disciplines.

It also promotes and carries out important studies of various kinds: historical and historiographical, military, social and political, referring to Juan Domingo Perón, his work and his legacy. Putting special emphasis also, in the studies corresponding to the epoch in which the life of the great statesman passed.

It concentrates in its archives the existent material referred to the area of ​​its competition; this includes a specialized library, a newspaper library, a video library, and an audio archive. It has also made collaboration agreements with national and international entities - official and private - to carry out joint studies.
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