Portal de la Cultura de América Latina y el Caribe
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14867 Element(s) found In the following sections:
- News:  6519
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- Directory of Institutions:  799
- Cultural Agenda:  5945
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National Archives
Government Headquarters
Church Street, Basseterre, St. Kitts, West Indies
Ms. Victoria O'Flaherty, Director
Tel: 869-465-2521 x1208
Fax: 869-465-1001
  General Information:

The National Records and Archives Authority shall develop a broad and comprehensive collection by acquiring records of national significance in a planned and integrated manner that will enhance and promote our historical and cultural heritage and promote good governance and accountability by the establishment and maintenance of effective and economical management systems of records of government.

In its commitment to the preservation of government’s recorded memory, the National Archives acquires records:

• which document the deliberations, decisions and actions of government in relation to its assigned business functions, programs and activities, as well as records which establish the sovereignty, organization and administration of government;
• which provide government and the public with information about the policies, decisions and programs of government institutions over time for the purposes of review, scrutiny and understanding;
• which document the impact of government decision-making upon citizens and groups in St. Christopher and Nevis and the interaction between the public and the state;
• that are considered essential to protect the collective and individual rights and privileges of citizens and their social, cultural and physical environment;
• of national significance containing significant or unique information that will substantially enrich understanding about the Federation’s history, society, culture and people; and
• that the Government of St. Christopher and Nevis is required to maintain for a substantial period of time by law.


The National Records and Archives Authority shall:

• Facilitate accountability between the public and Government agencies
• Enhance public confidence in the integrity of public records
• Contribute to the efficiency, effectiveness and economy of government
• Preserve and make available for consultation, public records selected for preservation
• Establish a register of private records and archives in the Federation
• Acquire private records deemed of national importance and maintain them with the same care and attention given to public records.
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Portal de la Cultura - América Latina y el Caribe de la UNESCO


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