Its main goal is to contribute to the formation of Cuban identity and culture through the integration of historical and cultural ties with Europe.
The Centre’s sociocultural work began in September 2015. The activities are planned and designed on a yearly basis, taking into account the specific characteristics of the public to be addressed. An initial distinction is made according to its age (children, adolescents, the general public and senior citizens). In turn, the general public is grouped according to occupational categories.
The Segundo Cabo Palace hosts the Centre. It was recently restored thank to a multilateral cooperation initiative of the European Union and UNESCO, implemented by the UNESCO Havana Office. The OHCH was directly in charge of the restoration and is at present in charge of the operation and management of the cultural programme as part of its functions in the management of "Old Havana and its System of Fortifications”, a site of outstanding universal value declared World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1982.
Given the building’s historic significance and the uniqueness of this sociocultural project, the Centre also receives many first-level visitors and delegations.