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Quisicuaba Museum
Dirección: Maloja 22 e/ Aguila y Angeles, Centro Habana, La Habana, Cuba
Dr. Enrique Alemán, Presidente
Tel: +53 7 863-0683
Date of creation: 12 de Octubre de 1939
  General Information:

The Quisicuaba Museum is a specific museum from the Quisicuaba Crossed Kardecian Spiritualist Association, which has been duly registered and recognized by the Cuban authorities. As a result of its many social projects, the Association has been granted important awards at national and international levels.

This renowned Religious Institution was established on October 12, 1939 by the prestigious Cuban medium Andrea B. Zabala Ortega. Shortly after the establishment of this large guild of Crossed Kardecian Spiritualists, a Town Hall spontaneously emerged. Its attention centered on the African-descendant religions in Cuba and their links with Spiritualist practices which have resulted in an increasing prestige of this religious institution and in the strengthening of an authentic expression of all ethnic components of the Cuban nationality. Hence, this institution has had, since its foundation, an extraordinary impact in the protection and promotion of the Cuban tangible and intangible heritage based on its cultural diversity.

Together with this process, there has been a community non-proselyte and non-profitable projection aimed at the social reintegration in society based on the revitalization of the traditional popular culture. Currently, this project has been extended to include issues such as ethnic self-recognition, skin-color discrimination, gender violence, family violence, school violence (bullying), social attention to communities and families with different sex-gender members, cultural diversity, among other current issues as, for example, the interfaith dialogue and world peace through the Cuban Platform for Interfaith Dialogue.



To have a permanent exhibition of items and values treasured by the religious-family heritage of the Quisicuaba Association as a true exponent of the living cross-cultural process that has evolved in the Hispanic-African and Asian roots, as well as the Crossed Kardecian Spiritualism social presence in Cuba.

Specific objectives:

1- To show the environment in which the middle class lived in Centro Habana municipality during the Republican Cuba.
2- To enhance the charitable and humanitarian work, from a social perspective, carried out by the Quisicuaba Crossed Kardecian Spiritualist Association since its foundation in 1939 through documents, awards and acknowledgements.
3- To show that the religious foundation of the Quisicuaba Crossed Kardecian Spiritualist Association stem from the African-descendant religions in Cuba.
4- To show the great cultural melting pot of the Cuban nationality emphasizing the population diversity in Centro Habana municipality.
5- To expose the family relationship with the Orthodox Party of the Cuban people and their relationship with Centro Habana.
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