Quisicuaba Association |
Dirección: Calle Maloja No. 22 entre Águila y Ángeles. Centro Habana. La Habana. Cuba.
DrC. Enrique Alemán Gutiérrez, Presidente |
+53 7 863-0683 |
Date of creation:
12 de Octubre de 1939 |
General Information:
The Asociación Espirita Kardeciana Cruzada Quisicuaba (Quisicuaba Crossed Kardecian Spiritualist Association) was founded on October 12, 1939 grouping all practitioners and scholars of the Crossed Kardecian Spiritualism. It promotes the practice of religious ecumenicalism and preserves the legacy of its ancestors as a national identity heritage.
Its beneficial actions –conducted without any distinction of creed, skin color or sex- include the spiritual-oriented human improvement by rescuing our traditional popular culture as part of the continuity of the Cuban identity. To this aim, the Association is implementing the “Cabildo Quisicuaba” with the general objective of strengthening the responsible involvement of the community in issues associated with culture, health and education in coordination with different sectors thus contributing with a sustainable development. Likewise, this encompassing social work involves leaders from different local institutions, members of the civil society and more than 70 volunteers who also contribute to this social work.
Among the inter-sectorial relations established, it is worthwhile mentioning relations with the Cuban Ministries of Health, Education and Culture, as well as several international organizations such as UNESCO, PAHO, UNDP and COSUDE among others. Besides, this institution has 15 branches abroad, namely, Panama, Venezuela, Mexico, Colombia, Peru, Spain, France, Italy, Switzerland, San Francisco, Chile, Ecuador, England, Canada and Costa Rica.
The Quisicuaba Museum is also located in this same space. It is a social museum with a unique characteristic since it incorporates the traditional task of integrating the community to the preservation of its heritage thus strengthening community cohesion based on culture. Therefore, its work has become a value added to social participation as a Cuban civil society organization.
a) To group all practitioners and scholars of the Crossed Kardecian Spiritualism.
b) To promote beneficial actions without any distinction of race, creed or sex.
c) To promote the practice of religious ecumenicalism among spiritualists and other religious denominations.
d) To preserve the legacy of our ancestors as a national identity heritage.
Website |