Workshop on Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage held in Panama |
Workshop on the implementation in Panama of the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) |
Workshop held as part of joint action between UNESCO and Panama’s National Institute of Culture (INAC)
21 July 2015/ UNESCO Office in San José
The Workshop on the implementation in Panama of the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) was inaugurated at the Trypp Hotel, at Albrook Mall, with the participation of more than thirty cultural managers, officials and members of cultural entities of Panama. The event is organized by the UNESCO Culture Programme for Central America and Mexico, with the support of Panama’s National Institute of Culture (INAC).
In his opening speech, Juan Francisco Guerrero, INAC acting Director General, underscored that the safeguarding of our heritage is a task that requires resources and will power. He added, “We thank all those who as individual persons, local groups or institutions are doing their utmost to save and inventory our intangible heritage.”
In turn, Montserrat Martell, Culture Programme specialist from the UNESCO Office for Central America and Mexico, explained that this capacity-building workshop is aimed at setting the basis for safeguarding the intangible cultural heritage in Panama. He stressed that this is “a task of great importance if we bear in mind the speed at which languages and, as a result, cultures are disappearing in Central America, in Latin America, and in the world.”
The workshop given by María Ismenia Toledo, anthropologist and expert on the 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, is being offered from 20 to 22 July. Its thematic programme includes: key concepts of the Convention; basic notions of ICH inventorying for its safeguarding; need for inventories made with and for ICH bearer communities; methods and techniques for participative inventorying; normative framework for information generation and organization. The workshop also counts with practice sessions and debates where tools and examples of good practices may be shared.
Related Link(s): Intangible Heritage |