Portal de la Cultura de América Latina y el Caribe
Paris 2024 Olympic Torch Relay: a journey through UNESCO World Heritage sites
Georgios Kritsotakis.
24 April 2024/ UNESCOPRESS

The Paris 2024 Olympic Torch Relay will feature some 30 UNESCO World Heritage sites. The flame will end its journey in Paris on July 26 for an opening ceremony which, for the first time in the history of the modern Olympic Games, will take place within a UNESCO site.

The lighting of the Olympic flame will take place on Tuesday 16 April at the Archaeological Site of Olympia (Greece), inscribed on UNESCO's World Heritage List in 1989. The flame will then reach Marseille (France) on 8 May before continuing its journey through a number of French regions. This relay, organized by Paris 2024, will pay tribute to cultural and natural heritage, passing through some thirty sites on UNESCO's World Heritage List.

See the tour sites in this link: https://www.unesco.org/en/articles/paris-2024-olympic-torch-relay-journey-through-unesco-world-heritage-sites

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