Portal de la Cultura de América Latina y el Caribe
Caribbean Capacity Building Programme

The CCBP is a long-term training programme, implemented by the Regional Office for Culture in Latin America and the Caribbean, based in Havana, in close coordination with the UNESCO World Heritage Centre and the UNESCO Offices in Kingston and Port-au-Prince. Its implementation began in 2004 when the First Periodic Report on the Application of the Convention in Latin America and the Caribbean recommends the elaboration of effective measures to strengthen capacities in the States Parties. In 2013, with the presentation of the Second Periodic Report on the Application of the 1972 Convention concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage in Latin America and the Caribbean, the first CCBP cycle comes to an end.

The CCBP is composed of a core and mandatory training module, Module 1, relative to the application of the Convention concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage. The remaining CCBP modules focus on five core aspects of management: tourism in heritage sites, risk prevention and the management of cultural landscapes, historic centres and natural heritage. (See all the modules in the section on Related Information).

Evaluation (PDF)

It is part of the Plan of Action of the Forum of Ministers of Culture since 2007.

Contact: Olga Rufins Machin, National Programme Official o.rufins@unesco.org
UNESCO Regional Office for Culture in Latin America and the Caribbean

Updated: 10 February 2015

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Caribbean Action Plan for World Heritage 2014-2019<BR><a href='http://www.unesco.lacult.org/doccult/listado.php?uid_ext=&getipr=&lg=2&docmult=1&tipobusq=3&txtSearch=CAP_2015-2019-ALL-EDITED_FINAL.pdf' target='_blank'>ENGLISH</a>  <a href='http://www.unesco.lacult.org/doccult/listado.php?uid_ext=&getipr=&lg=1&docmult=1&tipobusq=3&txtSearch=CAP_2015-2019_ESP.pdf' target='_blank'>ESPAÑOL</a>   <a href='http://www.unesco.lacult.org/doccult/listado.php?uid_ext=&getipr=&lg=1&docmult=1&tipobusq=3&txtSearch=CAP_2015-2019_FRA.pdf' target='_blank'>FRANÇAIS</a> 
Module 1: Application of the World Heritage Convention 
Module 2: Management of Tourism in World Heritage Sites 
Module 3: Risk Preparedness 
Module 4: Management of Cultural Landscapes 
Module 5: Management of Historic Cities 
Module 6: Natural Heritage Management 
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Portal de la Cultura - América Latina y el Caribe de la UNESCO


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