Portal de la Cultura de América Latina y el Caribe
Safeguarding intangible cultural heritage of Kallawaya communities. Bolivia, 1 April 2014-1 December 2015

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Los kallawayas, famosos por su vasto conocimiento del mundo botánico y mineral, practican técnicas médicas y rituales de curación que son un fiel exponente del sistema de creencias indígenas. Su conocimiento de las plantas medicinales se amplía sin cesar, pues los curanderos kallawayas y sus aprendices buscan continuamente nuevos métodos de curación en los diversos y muy variados ecosistemas de la región andina.

The safeguarding action plan seeks, through intergenerational transmission, to ensure the preservation and transmission of the knowledge and wisdom of the Kallawaya culture, whose activity is bound to the ancestral healing medicine of the culture of the Andes.

The main objectives of the safeguarding project are to:

• promote the preservation and safeguarding of Kallawaya culture at local, regional and national levels;
• strengthen the techniques and transmission of traditional medicine;
• strengthen the knowledge concerning healing with natural medicines;
• create the necessary conditions to ensure the transmission of the traditional knowledge;
• promote Kallawaya culture, as part of the multicultural identity of Bolivia; and
• to promote the practice of traditional medicine in hospitals of the municipalities of the Bautista Saavedra province.

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