Portal de la Cultura de América Latina y el Caribe
Meetings of CELAC Ministers of Culture
I Forum of Ministers of Culture and Officials in Charge of Cultural Policies in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Federative Republic of Brazil
Brasilia, 10 - 12 August , 1989

Main topics
- Culture as an instrument for integration and regional development
- Protection and conservation of natural and cultural heritage
- Free circulation of cultural goods and services
- Artistic education
- Audiovisual jeans as an instrument for integration
- Diffusion of languages as an instrument for exchange and integration
-Books, libraries and the promotion of reading
- Science, technology and culture
- V Centennial Anniversary of the Discovery of America and encounter between Two Worlds
- Final Declaration

- Provisional Program (AVAILABLE ONLY IN SPANISH)

- Provisional Agenda (AVAILABLE ONLY IN SPANISH)

- Topics for debate (AVAILABLE ONLY IN SPANISH)

- Ao I Encontro de Ministros da Cultura da América Latina e Caribe, Conselho Nacional de Direito Autoral-CNDA, Brasil (AVAILABLE ONLY IN PORTUGUESE)

- Speech by Dr. Armando Hart Dávalos, Minister of Culture of Cuba (AVAILABLE ONLY IN SPANISH)

- Document submitted by Ecuador (AVAILABLE ONLY IN SPANISH)

- Annual International Summer Schools, Cultural Training Centre, Jamaica

- Speech by Mr. Víctor Flores Olea, President of the Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes (National Council for Culture and Arts), Mexico (AVAILABLE ONLY IN SPANISH)

- Speech by del Prof. Dr. Dionisio M. González Torres, Minister of Education of Paraguay (AVAILABLE ONLY IN SPANISH)

- Speech by Dr. Fernando Cabieses M., Head of the Instituto Nacional de Cultura del Perú (National Institute for Culture of Peru) (AVAILABLE ONLY IN SPANISH)

- Speech by Mr. Frank Antonius, Secretary of Culture of Suriname

- Speech by H. Mrs. Jennifer Johnson, Minister of Youth, Sports, Culture and Creatives Arts of the Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago

- Project submitted by the participants in the II Latin American Festival of Art and Culture (AVAILABLE ONLY IN PORTUGUESE)
- Report of the Raporteur
- List of Participants
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Portal de la Cultura - América Latina y el Caribe de la UNESCO


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