Portal de la Cultura de América Latina y el Caribe
Venezuela opens the doors of the "Juvenal Ravelo Participatory Experience" at the Venice Biennale
20 April 2022/ MPPC Press/Embaveneit

Venezuela opens the doors of its Pavilion with the exhibition: "Juvenal Ravelo Participatory Experience", an exhibit that represents the country at the 60th International Art Exhibition - The Venice Biennale, paying tribute to Juvenal Ravelo, master of kinetic art who, with more than 70 years of experience in the art world, has worked with the participatory presence of the cultural component of art in society.

The opening ceremony was attended by the vice-minister of Image and Space Arts, Mary Pemjean, accompanied by the head of the Venezuelan Mission in Italy, María Elena Uzzo, and by the curator Edgar González, the curator Reinaldo Landaeta and the vice-commissioner Paola Posani.

Vice-Minister Pemjean conveyed greetings on behalf of the Minister of Popular Power for Culture, Ernesto Villegas: "Greetings from President Nicolás Maduro Moros and myself. I would especially like to thank Maestro Juvenal for having accepted the invitation to represent our country at this important event of the visual arts which, as we all know, attracts hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world every year. Juvenal is among the all-time greats of Venezuelan art".

The Vice-Minister went on to say that the participatory experience that Juvenal Ravelo has been incorporating with increasing force represents a real form of culture and art, achieving a social transformation in the spaces where it takes place.

"More than a virtual space that is observed in art, and often without any impact on the people who inhabit the space, the maestro makes this an extraordinary experience also for those who cannot attend museums and galleries. The maestro invites people to participate. A moment in which each person becomes an artist," the Venezuelan representative emphasised.

The diplomat Maria Elena Uzzo then thanked the curatorial team and the maestro Juvenal Ravelo for having created this comprehensive exhibition project where two words converge that identify the development of his work through experience and participation as the guiding thread of the journey designed by the artist.

"It is a very significant date for us: today, 19 April, the day of our inauguration in Venice, we are celebrating the 214th anniversary of the first emancipation campaign of Latin America, a historic event that consolidated the Signing of Independence," Uzzo emphasised.

Deeply moved, maestro Juvenal Ravelo thanked the Bolivarian Government and the team that accompanied him in this participatory experience that made this integral project possible in this world art space.

The curator Edgar González concluded by emphasising that, in each of its parts, this exhibition is an encounter with the physical experience of light and colour through dynamic interactions that push us to experience art not as a contemplative object but as an event of social transformation.

"From this journey, each visitor will experience the joy of self-expression and will be carried away by the emotions and sensations that each work awakens."

About the exhibition project

The first work is a mural called "Participatory Art" where visitors can leave their mark and collectively create a piece of art in progress. Through this work, actions of activation of the urban space are encouraged based on the collaboration of the community that joins in the construction of a work of art; a concept that Ravelo initiated in 1975 in his hometown of Caripito.

The exhibition tour continues in the Sala Mayor where visitors can enjoy an unpublished work of art by the maestro, called "Ambiente de activación cromática", where the singularity of the perspectives of each individual gives life to an indelible experience of light and colours, as well as the planes reflected through the reflective elements.

Visitors will find in the Sala Menor a digital work by master Juvenal Ravelo "Fragmentation of light and colour of the New Millennium. Digital experience". This is a unique, authentic and avant-garde production in contemporary art.

The master Juvenal Ravelo, for the first time, makes this type of work with optical effects through modelling and digital animation with video mapping projections. With this production the artist will show the public a new dimension of his theory on light and colour with a new proposal in the school of kineticism: an art for the senses, human, close and impressive.

The 60th International Art Exhibition, entitled "Foreigners Everywhere", will be open to the public from Saturday 20 April to Sunday 24 November 2024.

The curator is Adriano Pedrosa, curator and director of the important São Paulo Museum of Art in Brazil, known for his competence and originality in the conception of his exhibitions with an eye to the contemporary, moving from a point of observation of the world that cannot do without the nature of its place of belonging.

Note: Unofficial translation into English provided by UNESCO Regional Office in Havana.

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