Portal de la Cultura de América Latina y el Caribe
Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura
Oficina Regional de Cultura para América Latina y el Caribe
X Foro de Ministros de Cultura y Encargados de Políticas Culturales de América Latina y el Caribe
Plan de Acción

X Forum of Ministers of Culture and Officials in Charge of Cultural Policies of Latin America and the Caribbean

Bridgetown-Barbados, December 4-5, 1998









Cultural Integration

Cultural Information System for Latin

America and the Caribbean (SICLAC)

  1. Each country should develop its own National Cultural Information System
  2. Venezuela to create a SICLaC Home Page and template (dictionary) of the categories of information to be included in each National System

Home Page to have links to National Home Pages

  1. Cuba to host the first meeting of the National Coordinators to coincide with the First International Conference on Culture and Development in Havana, in June, 1998.
  2. Domain name to be registered.
  3. Workshop to train persons working with SICLaC on the creation of Home Pages

Creation of Post of Technical Secretariat for the Forum

  1. Memorandum of Understanding to be drawn up between UNESCO, the Forum and the Technical Secretary
  2. Job description/terms of reference to be drawn up for Technical Secretary
  3. Technical Secretary to be assigned to the Forum based in Office of UNESCO/ORCALC in Havana
  4. Arrangements to be reviewed in two years, a part of the evaluation of the Forum and its operations

Language Project

  1. Meeting between relevant educational institutions from Barbados, Venezuela and Trinidad & Tobago to structure and to coordinate reciprocal language programs.
  2. Immersion courses in Spanish and English to be offereded - to be extended beyond Cultural Administrators.
  3. Course for Spanish teachers offered by Chili
  4. Bilateral projects to be pursued – to promote sharing of information.

Information to be supplied to the Pro Tempore Secretariat by Jamaica

  1. Exchange Program for Haiti to be developed





Pro Tempore Secretariat and UNESCO

Pro Tempore Secretariat

Pro Tempore Secretariat

Venezuela will hound

Jamaica will coordinate

Venezuela, Barbados, Trinidad & Tobago, Chili

By mid December

October, 1999

By March, 1999

October, 1999

Heritage Preservation

and Protection

Protection of the Culture of the Region

Sub-Committees on Heritage Preservation

  1. Cultural Inventory
  2. Details of standards to be circulated to all Member Countries for cataloguing.

    Information to disseminate through SICLaC

    Brochure to be published on standards

    Sensitization meetings to be organized for law enforcement agencies and others - Mexico to develop mechanism to be used to give effect to Cartagena decisions.

  3. Cultural Heritage Tourism
  4. Funding to be sought for training

  5. Education for Cultural Heritage – Working Group to be reactivated.
  6. Underwater Cultural Heritage

Technical Planning Committee set up and is scheduled to meet in the Dominican Republic to analyze the situation and to propose a common strategy

4a) Emergency Preparedness for Cultural Heritage Institutions – Information from this area should be disseminated through SICLaC.

Publication of a collection of books on Great Persons and Thinkers of the Region

Promotion of an Association of Artists

Mexico (as Chair the Sub-Committee of this subject)


Chair – Guatemala

Chair Dominican Republic

Chair – Colombia

Chair – Dom. Republic

Also so comprise Barbados, Haiti, Argentina and Colombia

Museums Association of the Caribbean

To be coordinated by Cuba


The Development

of Cultural Industries

Culture and Trade

Working Group to be established to study and report to Forum on issues raised by WTO/GATT/GATS

Terms of Reference:

To make proposals of deeping of ALADI Agreement;

To provide technical analysis of possibilities of widening ALADI Agreement;

To examine the way rules of origin affect trade in cultural products.

To articulate Forum’s Position on Culture and Trade – Report by July 1999;

To make proposals regarding training of professionals for strengthening regional events – festivals, film, books, etc. - analyze existing problems and identify means of involving public and private sector.

Workshop on Culture and Trade

To comprise: Barbados, Cuba, Haiti, Jamaica, Mexico, Trinidad, Colombia, UNCTAD, ALADI, CARICOM, UNESCO

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